

Biotechnology Division, CSBMB

Biotechnology Division, CSBMB


Objectives of the FAOBMB Travel Lectureship Scheme
FAOBMB Travel Lectureships are awarded to contribute towards the travel and accommodation expenses of accomplished and experienced biochemists and molecular biologists from the FAOBMB region, in order to enable them to spend a period of time in a host institution or institutions within a country of the FAOBMB region, lecturing on advanced research or educational approaches or technologies, of significance and relevance to the needs of the home country/institutions.
Specific objectives of the Travel Lectureship Scheme are to:
• Improve research, training research and educational skills within the FAOBMB region, particularly for less well developed countries.
• Develop research, training or educational linkages between the host country or institutions and the home country or institution of the Travel Lectureship recipient.
• Enhance cooperation and collaboration within the FAOBMB region.
To achieve the above objectives, both the host country receiving the Travel Lecturer and the home country of the Travel Lecturer must be Constituent Member countries of FAOBMB. Further, the individuals making the application (the Applicants) and the nominated Travel Lecturer (the Nominee) must be members of the National Society or Group of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (namely, the Constituent Member society of FAOBMB) in the relevant country.
Constituent Members of FAOBMB (as of January 2014) are the societies and groups of biochemists and molecular biologists from the following countries or regions in the Asia and Oceania region: Australia, Bangladesh, China, Hawaii, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
Collaborative Funding Arrangements
It is anticipated that any Travel Lectureship award will be partially funded by FAOBMB and will also be supported by contributions from local, national or international sources whose aims are consistent with specific objectives of the Travel Lectureship Scheme as above.

Criteria for the award of an FAOBMB Travel Lectureship:
(i) The application is made from the host country by a Primary Applicant with the support of a Secondary Applicant from the same country, but not necessarily from the same Institution
(ii) Both the Applicants and the Nominee must be a member of constituent Societies or Groups within FAOBMB, the Applicants and Nominees not holding such membership in the same country.
(iii) The Nominee has already progressed towards substantial development of his or her career, with a proven record of academic and intellectual achievement, emphasising either research or education, or both.
(iv) The Applicants have submitted an application providing all requested information and documentation at any time for the Travel Lectureship.
(v) The application contains a detailed curriculum vitae of the Nominee, including a full list of publications, together with a Statement justifying the choice of nominee in relation to the interests and requirements of biochemists and molecular biologists at the host institution and, if relevant, at other institutions in the host country.
(vi) The Applicants provide a detailed activity plan and a budget for the period of the Fellowship, including details of other institutions to be visited by the Nominee in the host country.
(vii) A letter of support is provided from the Head of the host institution/department of the Applicants, preferably indicating that some financial support will be available.
(viii) The application must be endorsed by the Delegate to FAOBMB Council of the Constituent Member in the country hosting the Travel Lectureship, indicating the funding that has been obtained from additional local, national or international sources in part contribution to the activities under the Travel Lectureship.
(ix) Travel Lectureships will not be awarded to Nominees who have previously received a FAOBMB Travel Lectureship but previous receipt of an FAOBMB Travel Fellowship or an FAOBMB Exchange Fellowships does not preclude award of to a Nominee of an FAOBMB Travel Lectureship, provided that the same institution hosting the Travel Lectureship is different from that previously hosting an FAOBMB Exchange Fellowship for that particular Nominee.

Administration of the FAOBMB Travel Lectureship Scheme
These Travel Lectureships will be administered by the FAOBMB Executive Committee, which shall also be responsible for the selection of the successful nominees, after a proper evaluation of the completed application forms in accordance with the criteria outlined above, for noting by Council.
The Executive Committee may limit the number of FAOBMB Travel Lectureships awarded in any one year, subject to availability of funds to support this scheme.
The funds from FAOBMB for a particular Travel Lectureship will be provided by the Treasurer to the institution of the Primary Applicant hosting that Travel Lectureship.
The Primary Applicant for a funded FAOBMB Travel Lectureship, within one month of the conclusion of the activities under the Travel Lectureship, must submit a report to Council through the Delegate of the Constituent Member on the activities carried out under the Travel Lectureship.
In addition, a report suitable for publicity must be provided by Delegate of the Constituent Member to the Secretary General.
Further Information:
Further information on the FAOBMB Fellowships Scheme can be obtained from the Secretary General of FAOBMB.
Professor Phillip Nagley
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Monash University
Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia
Tel: +61-3-9905-3735

附件:FAOBMB Travel Lectureship Application Form_July 2014
